PL/SQL Enterprise Workbench
Unleash the Power of Your Database
- Develop your database code in the Eclipse IDE as easy as you develop your Java code.
- Seamless development and runtime integration of Java and PL/SQL.
- CD/CI Maven integration.

Supported Oracle Database Versions : Oracle 12c, Oracle 12.2c, Oracle 18c, Oracle 19c, Oracle 21c, Oracle 23c, Oracle Autonomous Database ADW/ATP
Latest Version : 2.5.39-Beta39 - Date : 2024-07-14
PL/SQL Development
The PL/SQL Workbench Perspective organizes the database resources.
Develop your PL/SQL code as easy as Java code with content assistant, failure marker, syntax highlighting and hyperlinks.
Navigate through your code using the outline view. Configure and display warning levels and errors.
Use the SCM of the Eclipse IDE for team development.
PL/SQL Connector Builder
Configure and run the PL/SQL Connector Builder during the development process.
Generates direct Java access code to call the stored procedures to maximize data throughput and minimize latency.
The PL/SQL Connector Builder generates convenient Java services to call the stored procedures for RPC, batch or remote processing.
Requires only the Oracle JDBC driver.
Maven Integration
Run the PL/SQL Connector Builder as Maven Plugin.
Generates the Java access code at build time.
Simply add the Maven Plugin to your pom.xml file. The configuration of the PL/SQL Connector Builder setup is used.
Supports full CI/CD process for code generation and integration tests.